Bruno Ferreira

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Rui Fonseca

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Pre-registration and Applications

>> Applications school year 2023_24*
*Note in advance: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Pre-registration are open throughout the school year.

Pre-registration      Online application


Minimum number of 17 students to open the course.


  • Understand the problems of aging processes by understanding the practices of gerontological social intervention from a transdisciplinary perspective.
  • Know the evolution of gerontological social intervention in national and European sociopolitical context.
  • Analyse and understand the nature of theories, methodologies and practices of gerontological social intervention, in an articulated and integrated way, privileging a systemic vision and a holistic approach in gerontology.
  • Understand the theoretical and methodological frameworks that allow characterizing the target population and their life contexts to support a differentiated close intervention, with full respect for ethical and deontological guidelines.
  • Develop, create, implement and manage plans, programmes, projects and activities suitable for gerontological social intervention, with differentiated senior audiences.
  • Strengthen a culture of positive citizenship and inclusion of seniors, based on entrepreneurship and community-based social innovation, rooted in participatory, integrated and collaborative approaches.


The Postgraduate Course's general competencies include the development of critical analysis, research, intervention, training, organization and evaluation related to applied gerontological social intervention, including:

  • Consolidate knowledge for an interdisciplinary and integrated understanding of the human aging process in different dimensions.
  • Apply knowledge to resolve situations caused by current demographic aging trends.
  • Develop and apply knowledge in professional practice and research in applied social gerontology.
  • Update and strengthen professional skills acquired in pre-graduate training within the scope of applied social gerontology.
  • Develop knowledge and skills that facilitate work in interdisciplinary teams and institutional partnerships.
  • Develop knowledge and skills to implement interventions focused on promoting active aging, considering the life cycle and advanced age in particular.
  • Develop communication skills and application of research results;
  • Consolidate and develop self-oriented and autonomous learning skills.


  • Professionals in the Social and Human Sciences and Health Sciences.
  • Graduates from any disciplinary area with an interest in Applied Social Gerontology.



SCHEDULE (in the classroom):

Fridays: 18h00 às 23h00
Saturdays: 9h00 às 18h00

Duration: 8 months
Total: 292 h





Sociology and Demography of Aging 14H 3
Positive psychology in the aging process 12H 3
Public policies, citizenship and active aging 16H 3
Entrepreneurship and social innovation in Gerontology 20H 3
Research Methodology applied to Gerontology 12H 3

Applied Social Gerontology I

Gerontology: interdisciplinary science
Senior Sexuality
Educational Gerontology Practices
Territories, heritage and social participation
Domestic and institutional violence against the elderly

58H 10
Integrated Gerontological Intervention – Community and Collaborative 12H 3
Management and Administration Practices of gerontological institutions 14H 3
Design, preparation and management of gerontological social intervention projects 20H 3
Laboratory of Ethics and Deontology applied to Gerontology 14H 3

Applied Social Gerontology II

Literacy and Health for the elderly
Senior Nutrition and Well-being
Senior Tourism and well-being
Gerontomotricity Workshop
Mental health, long-term and gerontopalliative care
Professional supervision in a gerontological context

90H 12
Project work 12H 11
TOTAL 292H 60



  • 1450€ ou 8 x 181,25 €
  • Registration: 70€