Approved in Order no. 2144/2007 of 9 February, amended by the Order no. 13202/2015 of 18 November.
Course accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) - CEF/0910/27966 - Maximum accreditation: 6 years.
Course qualified to enroll in the College of Civil Protection Engineering of the Order of Technical Engineers (OET).
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Especialista Engenheiro Paulo Gil Martins
This Bachelor’s degree aims to qualify its graduates with a set of multidisciplinary knowledge that enable them to properly intervene in society and with citizens, in the different areas of intervention of the civil protection system, obtaining skills in the dimensions, processes and technologies that civil protection agents use and compensate for the lack of cross-training in civil protection and relief activities.
These objectives are realized through training strategies focused on risk prevention and mitigation, relief and emergency, assistance to people and other living beings in distress, protecting cultural and environmental assets and values of high public interest, and supporting the restoration of the normality of life and society.
The Bachelor’s degree will enable its graduates to have access to the practice of Civil Protection Engineering acts (Decree-Law No. 349/99 of 2 September, with the amendments introduced later, after the favorable opinions of the Assembly of Representatives and the Profession Council that regulates the execution of the engineering acts by the members of the OET – Order of Technical Engineers), and also to a great diversity of career opportunities, such as working in:
Municipal, district and national civil protection offices; Public and private institutes and bodies with competence or intervention in this area; Security companies; Safety equipment project and development, production and marketing; International agencies; Public research organizations; Security and/or civil protection departments in private companies; Prevention and safety centers in industrial complexes; Consultancy and service technicians; Public administration technicians and decision-makers; Consultancy, advisory and training services; Fire departments; State administration services.
This course aims to provide students with the necessary tools that enable them to develop the following structuring skills: in-depth and integrated knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Civil Protection System; knowledge of the principles associated with civil protection and relief/rescue, its main areas, and organization and intervention strategies; mastery of a set of multidisciplinary knowledge that enables them to appropriately intervene in society, and with citizens; mastery of the skills in the dimensions, processes and technologies that civil protection agents use; theoretical and methodological mastery of issues related to the identification, characterization and management of natural, technological and mixed risks, while understanding and mastering the risk management process in its various phases; planning and implementation techniques regarding emergency plans and security; ability to assess situations and decision-making in operational contexts; leadership, human resources management and (complementary and comprehensive) communication techniques, from the perspective of optimizing operational performance in adverse environments; obtaining necessary practical skills, attitudes and forms of behavior that can, in the various crisis situations, lead to an intervention with knowledge and know-how; preparation of procedures with a high degree of technical complexity, commitment and professional diligence, recognizing that performance transcends national barriers; knowing the value of communication as a requirement for efficiency and safety; perform functions with a high degree of technical complexity; know how to work, in solidarity, in groups, and organize and lead multidisciplinary teams; master methodological and scientific tools to develop R&D projects; obtain a consistent and sustained preparation that meets the highest requirements that the country expects of its technicians.
This degree aims to provide and qualify its students with a set of multidisciplinary knowledge, enabling them to adequately intervene in society, and with citizens, in the different areas of intervention of the civil protection system, obtaining skills in the dimensions, processes and technologies that civil protection agents use. These objectives are achieved through awareness, information, training, prevention, protection, planning, relief/rescue and emergency management strategies, anticipating the consequences of accidents, serious accidents, catastrophes or natural disasters, helping and assisting people and other living beings endangered, protecting cultural, environmental and valuable public interest assets, as well as supporting the restoration to normality, in life and society.
This degree is aimed at society in general, namely: students who have completed the 12th year, fire officers; members of the National Civil Protection Authority and of the respective operational structure; technicians from the Municipal Civil Protection Services and other technicians from the local, regional and central administration; civil protection agents (Fire Departments, Military, Red Cross, Forest Firefighters, Maritime and Aeronautics Authorities); security forces and services; technicians from private safety prevention and protection organizations; technicians from consultancy, planning and training companies; safety technicians from companies, hotels, hospitals and other establishments serving the public; teachers whose subjects relate to civil protection and relief/rescues activities; heads of courses, clubs and projects for prevention, planning, analysis, risk assessment and response to emergencies and rescue/relief; members of NGOs, environmental defense organizations or others related to prevention or training actions; media professionals.
The course will provide its graduates with the qualification to have access to the practice of Civil Protection Engineering. Graduates may also work in: civil protection offices, at the municipal, district and national level; public and private institutes and bodies in this area; safety companies; design, development, production and marketing of safety equipment; international agencies; public research bodies; safety and/or civil protection departments of private companies; prevention and safety centers in industrial hubs; technicians of consultancy and service provision companies; technicians and decision makers in public administration; consultancy, advisory and training services; fire departments; municipal civil protection services; in their own companies.
Bachelor's Degree in Civil Protection Engineering (recognized by the Technical Engineers Association - OET).
6 semesters (3 years).
The Access Regime for International Students is aimed at all applicants who do not have Portuguese nationality. This regime does not apply to the students who: are a European Union Member state national or, despite not being a Member state national, have continuously been living in Portugal for more than two years.
Admission through this regime is subject to:
- Verification of academic qualifications through: Document proof and a written exam on the subjects of the access exams required for the study cycle – in accordance with the application guide of the general regime.
- Verification of language knowledge through document proof.
- The written exam consists of a written test of knowledge on the language in which the study cycle is taught. For both types of verification, an interview will always be conducted.
Application - Documents to be submitted:
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Passport;
- Transcript of Records from the country of origin or a diploma that attests the successful completion of an educational program and entitles the the student to apply for higher education in the country where those certificates were issued;
- Portuguese secondary education diploma or legally equivalent qualification;
- Documentary proof for the verification of the academic qualifications (when applicable)
- Documentary proof for the verification of language knowledge (when applicable)
Various equipment available in the Chemistry and Physics laboratories. The teaching material is provided by the teachers of each curricular unit.
There are protocols with several public, private and state administrations entities, companies and non-governamental organizations. Among others, the protocols with the Associação Nacional de Freguesias Delegação de Lisboa, Ordem dos Engenheiros Técnicos, Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Prevenção e Segurança, Escola Nacional de Bombeiros, Amo Vida - Serviços Integrados de Saúde, Lda., Instituto de Tecnologias Náuticas, Liga dos Bombeiros Portugueses, Sindicato dos Técnicos de Ambulância de Emergência, Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil and Instituto Superior de Ciências da Informação e da Administração de Aveiro.