ISEC Lisboa's Student Association – AAISECLisboa was created on October 7th, 1992 and it is the representative body of the students of ISEC Lisboa, with the following main objectives: defend students’ interests and contribute to their educational, cultural and social development, as well as that of ISEC itself. Twenty years after its creation, AAISECLisboa has never forgotten these objectives.

It has always contributed through gatherings, lectures, cultural weeks, support and integration of new national and Erasmus students, dissemination of ISEC in academic events, workshops.
AAISECLisboa has an amazing team that does everything to dignify the students, the Institute and widely show who we are.

In 2016, a reformulation of the Statutory Board and AAISECLisboa’s academic and social life began. The Hazing Code was revised, since it had some gaps, and it became a Code more similar to that of Coimbra, which is the Motherhouse of Hazing.

With this new management, we aim to disseminate and promote several activities and inform the academic community. In addition to continuing to keep a good Students-Association relationship, we intend to disseminate educational information and defend the students’ rights and obligations, and we expect to improve and implement the following points:

  • Represent campus students;
  • Promote the cultural training of students, namely through the integration of school's problems in the economic, social and political reality through true and free information;
  • Create conditions for students to participate in school activities;
  • Interaction of students and teachers to improve the school through future activities;
  • Improve and strengthen the relationship between the Association and the Campus for future activities;
  • Promote our institute for a more prosperous future;
  • Promote educational and integration activities;
  • Improve the Association’s space so that students/members have their educational, social and interaction space.

The current board of directors intends to put new ideas into practice and also to continue the work already started by previous associations.

We will be at your disposal for suggestions and presentations of the new project, for which we would like to thank all the current and future Association members, the Board of Directors of ISEC Lisboa, from whom we expect to be an ally in the promotion and improvement of the points mentioned above and to all the sympathizers and friends who were there.

If you have any doubt or interest in being a member of this project, just send an email for