Order no. 9834, 28 August 2015
Accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education


Doutora Luísa Araújo
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Doutora Rita Brito
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Information Request


In accordance with Decree-Law No. 43/2007, of February 22, the Qualification Master's Degree for Teaching is an essential training stage for obtaining professional qualification, namely for teaching in early childhood education.

Graduates will have the following fundamental skills: have in-depth knowledge in the field of early childhood education, using research, innovation or deepening professional skills; ability to understand and solve problems in new situations or in broad and multidisciplinary contexts, whether for the practice of research or for the exercise of a specialized professional activity; ability to integrate knowledge, deal with complex issues, develop solutions or make judgments in situations of limited or incomplete information, including reflections on the ethical and social implications and responsibilities that result from or condition these solutions and judgments; be able to communicate their conclusions, the knowledge and reasoning underlying them, both to specialists and non-specialists, in a clear and unambiguous way; skills that allow them to learn independently throughout their lives.


It is intended with this training that the future 'Master's Degree in Preschool Education' graduate develops, not only a set of specific skills that allows the direct intervention with children in the functions of planning, scheduling, execution and assessment of the teaching-learning process, but also a broader skill set which allows for an active participation in the institutional life, for example, in what pertains to school management and the relation with the various socio-educational actors. The objectives of this study cycle are: to develop fundamental skills for intervention in educational contexts at the preschool education level; to develop skills oriented towards the analysis of complex educational situations and towards research in education; to promote the construction of these fundamental competences in a strong conjunction between theory and practice, in a professional perspective; to promote the development of means of reflection, responsibility, specialization (expertise) and professional ethics within the scope of the teaching practice; to develop skills within the scope of active participation in school institutions, namely with regard to school management. Several learning objectives were also established (knowledge, skills and competences) to be developed by students in this course:


Knowing the teaching-learning processes and the various contexts in which they are developed; apply knowledge within the scope of child development in the various educational contexts; apply knowledge in planning and assessing the pedagogical practice; to mobilize knowledge in the field of design and management of educational projects and apply it in the institutions where they develop its practice; to mobilize knowledge and skills to promote the development of children in terms of oral and written language, knowledge of the world, expressions and mathematical language; create learning situations that encourage observation, exploration and manipulation of different materials according to children's interests, and respecting curriculum integration; to develop several methodologies taking into account the contents worked on, the characteristics of the group and the interests and needs of the children; plan and intervene intentionally taking into account the general development of children. in strong conjunction with theoretical knowledge.


Basic Education Bachelors


+ Early Childhood Education Teaching


Master's Degree in Preschool Education






  • 1st year
  • 2dn year

Course's total duration

2 years (3 Semesters; 90 ECTS total) 


Study room, artistic expression room (equipped with a multimedia system and other proper equipment), music room (equipped with a multimedia system and musical instruments, including 1 piano and sheet music with stand)


  • 1ST YEAR

    1ST YEAR



    Professional Ethics and Deontology
    Ética e Deontologia Profissional

    1st Semester 2
    Curricular Integration and Evaluation
    Integração Curricular e Avaliação
    1st Semester 2
    Discovering Mathematics in Preschool Education
    Descoberta da Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar
    1st Semester 6

    Development of the Mother Language in Childhood
    Desenvolvimento da Língua Materna na Infância

    1st Semester 6
    World Knowledge in Preschool Education
    Conhecimento do Mundo na Educação Pré-Escolar
    1st Semester 6
    Initiation to Professional Practice in Preschool Education
    Iniciação à Prática Profissional na Educação Pré-Escolar
    1st Annual 8
    Special Education
    Educação Especial
    2nd Semester 2
    Methods and Techniques for Research in Education
    Métodos e Técnicas de Investigação em Educação
    2nd Semester 3
    Expressive Practices in Childhood
    Práticas Expressivas na Infância
    2nd Semester 6

    Mathematical Games
    Jogos Matemáticos

    2nd Semester 4
    Opcional / Opção 

    School Organization and Management
    Organização e Gestão Escolar

    Parental Involvement at School
    Envolvimento Parental na Escola

    Digital Technologies in Education
    Tecnologias Digitais em Educação

    Citizenship Education
    Educação para a Cidadania

    Multiculturalism and Intercultural Education
    Multiculturalidade e Educação Intercultural

    2nd Semester 4
    Initiation to Professional Practice in Preschool Education
    Iniciação à Prática Profissional na Educação Pré-Escolar
    1st Annual 13
  • 2ND YEAR

    2nd YEAR



    Intervention and Evaluation in Nursery
    Intervenção e Avaliação em Creche

    1st Semester


    Final Report
    Relatório Final

    1st Semester


    Initiation to Professional Practice in Nursery
    Iniciação à Prática Profissional em Creche

    1st Semester
