Internationalization plays a crucial role in ISEC Lisboa's development strategy, involving the entire academic community. In addition to adapting its entire educational offer to the Bologna Process, ISEC Lisboa holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education that ensures it the status of a fully-fledged international partner, within the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP).


ISEC Lisboa’s International Relations Office (GRI) is the coordination, monitoring and operational support structure for the development of national cooperation and internationalization initiatives in the field of training, scientific research and academic mobility.


  • Develop cooperation strategies with higher education institutions and companies, inside and outside the European area, within the scope of student and teacher mobility programs;
  • Develop international cooperation actions in terms of scientific research projects;
  • Support the exchange of students and teachers between ISEC and foreign higher education institutions and companies and coordinate their mobility within international programs;
  • Strengthen and promote cooperation activities with national entities within the scope of the International Relations Office.

EPS Erasmus Policy Statement
EC Erasmus Charter