The main mission of ISEC Lisboa’s Office for Quality Assessment and Assurance (GAGQ) is to coordinate and streamline the implementation of an Internal Quality Assurance system. This system’s main goal will be to assess the quality of teaching and other services provided by the Institute.

It is also intended, in the short term, to systematize procedures and streamline their practical application through the Quality Manual and respective procedures.
The quality management system will be inspired by the ISO 9001:2008 standard, also satisfying the requirements recommended by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) for Internal Quality Assurance Systems.


ISEC Lisboa Quality Policy is based on ISEC Lisboa mission and its guided by its Vision, based on the sharing of values, standards and strategic objectives and on the unfolding of the strategy by the various actors and decision levels, in a culture of excellence, results-oriented and the involvement and alignment of people in the definition and execution of the defined strategy, assuming a strong commitment to continuous improvement in all areas of the institution's activity.

Accordingly, ISEC Lisboa adopts this present Quality Policy, based on 12 commitments, which aim to guide the institute performance to provide a service of excellence:

  1. Deepen and stimulate a culture of quality, transversal to all areas of development of the institutional mission, establishing appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms;
  2. Foster the involvement and active participation of all interested parts, internal and external, in the functioning of the instituton, namely in the definition and design of processes and in the monitoring of SIGQ-ISEC Lisboa;
  3. Continuously listen to the needs and expectations of relevant internal and external interested parts, seeking to increase their satisfaction;
  4. Involve workers, teachers and non-teachers, with the ideal of public service and the mission of ISEC Lisboa, promoting the adoption of high ethical standards, responsibility, civility, competence and demand towards students, clients, partners and suppliers;
  5. Value and motivate workers, teachers and non-teachers, through qualification, training, conciliation with personal and family life and with the recognition and promotion of merit;
  6. Provide a safe and favourable academic environment for diversity, equality and inclusion, working closely with the entire academic community in order to promote these essential human values;
  7. Commit to transparency in all activities carried out within the scope of SIGQ-ISEC Lisboa;
  8. Assure innovation and quality of all its study cycles, promoting a culture of Quality on its Teaching, Research and Community connection activities;
  9. Promote an orientation to the results, in order to overcome increasingly demanding challenges, seeking to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided;
  10. Consolidate a fast, appealing, clear and transparent internal and external communication, keeping up and creating new channels for sharing information, accessible to all;
  11. Stimulate a culture of sustainability lined up with the Sustainable Development Goals that make up the UN 2030 Agenda;
  12. Ensure the adequacy, updating, revision and continuous improvement of the SIGQ-ISEC Lisboa in accordance with the standards set at a national and international level, including the adoption and implementation of a set of procedures of self-regulation mechanisms seeking up to monitore and evaluate the actions carried out, with a view to fully comply with all the internal and external requirements and continuous improvement of quality in its various components.

The present Quality Policy is operationalized through the following instruments:

  • Strategic Development Plan;
  • Quality Plan;
  • SIGQ-ISEC Lisbon Regulation;
  • Annual Activity Plans;
  • Annual Activity Reports;
  • Quality manual;
  • Manuals of Procedures and Internal Regulations.


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