Approved in Order no. 6885/2019 of 1 August.
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Doutor João Rodrigues dos Santos
Especialista Luís Caetano
SKILLS TO BE DEVELOPEDThe investment in the creation of the bachelor's degree in Municipal Management and the different specializations proposed are justified in the context of a process of change in which municipalities are faced not only with new social demands, but also with problems of increasing complexity, to which they have difficulty responding adequately. This difficulty in terms of response lies less in the problems and more in the endogenous characteristics of municipal administration, traditionally marked by characteristics of centralization, sectoral organization and bureaucratic management processes that disarm it, not allowing it to respond effectively to the new missions. The ongoing process of decentralization of skills evidences the set of abilities that the current and future municipal managers and/or holders of public office in local governments must get to carry out the functions comprehending the ethical and deontological principles of public offices: public service; legality; justice, exemption and impartiality; equality; proportionality; collaboration and good faith; information and quality; loyalty and cooperation; transparency and integrity; competency and responsibility. |
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESThis study cycle's specific objectives are: to develop the future local politicians' and municipal professionals' advanced skills in the areas of administration and municipal law, human resources management, public administration, accounting, environment, education, sports, financial management, heritage, science and culture, welfare and civil protection; to train and provide skills to municipal professionals through technical and scientific training and upgrading, with the aim to hold specialized positions of public administration and municipal administration; to foster the excellence of the higher education in administrative modernization, given the new challenges and competencies of local governments. |
TARGET AUDIENCEThis degree is aimed at society in general, namely: students who have completed secondary school; people over 23 years of age; graduates of the Technology Specialization Courses (CET); graduates of the Short Cycles (Professional Higher Technical Courses - CTeSP); graduates of other degrees whose professional situation benefits them from in-depth knowledge in the field of municipal management. |
MAIN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIESThis training allows to hold positions of Management in: + Local government institutions |
PARTNER ENTITIESOeiras City Hall; ANAFRE; Microsegur; Olivais Parish Council; Lumiar Parish Council. |
QUALIFICATION TITLEBachelor's Degree in Municipal Management |
SCHEDULENighttime (currently in force) * ISEC Lisboa may open night/day classes, depending on the number of students enrolled and their preferences. |
EQUIPMENT AND TEACHING MATERIALThe teaching material is provided by the teachers of each curricular unit, including PP slides, videos, scientific papers, exercise manuals, etc. |