Licenciatura em Gestão Aeronáutica
Simão Batista
A experiência do programa Erasmus foi uma ótima decisão no meu percurso académico. Passei o “semestre de Inverno” na Estónia, onde pude recuperar as minhas rotinas, sem sentir o impacto da Pandemia Covid-19.
A escolha pela Estonian Aviation Academy permitiu que completasse um semestre da Licenciatura de Gestão Aeronáutica num ambiente diferente. Desde a receção ao apoio que senti por parte dos colegas e das coordenadoras do Programa, tanto no ISEC Lisboa como na EAVA, que sempre me auxiliaram e garantiram que cumpria o plano de estudos a que me propus.
O Programa Erasmus é uma oportunidade para estudar fora, mas, além disso, jamais esquecerei algumas das experiências que tive, como fazer amizades, praticar desporto e viajar! A minha experiência na Estónia permitiu-me compreender que o que aprendemos tem impacto e é reconhecido por pessoas que estudam em países com percursos académicos diferentes do nosso. Outro aspeto importante são os incentivos que o ISEC Lisboa oferece a alunos em mobilidade. Existem bolsas e ajudas de custo, condições que enquanto
aluno também agradeço e dou valor. Neste percurso pode parecer mais fácil ficarmos no conforto de casa. Mas, quando arriscamos e damos o
primeiro passo, ficamos com amizades para a vida, enriquecemos com aprendizagens de outros professores e, acima de tudo, sentimos uma enorme realização por termos embarcado e conseguido concluir tudo aquilo a que nos propusemos.
Arrisquem e sejam felizes!.
Necmettin Erbakan University | Turquia
Abudulkadir Elmali
After Erasmus in Lisbon at ISEC Lisboa I went to Italy for an internship and now I’m back in Turkey. I believe both experiences were eye opening for me. I am very glad that especially in Lisbon because it was the first place and I had no experience. The city has lots of amazing opportunities.
I am very glad to have been an Erasmus student at ISEC Lisboa
Thanks! Best wishes!
Gedik University | Turquia |
Suheib Osman Sheikh Yerow
Erasmus changed my life widely and it impacted me a huge experience in my life. I want to thank the almighty, Allah, for everything made it possible, big appreciation goes to my beloved university ISTANBUL GEDIK UNIVERSITY and host institute ISEC LISBOA who help me and encourage me throughout this mobility. It was said before Erasmus lasts few months, but you will miss it forever, definitely, I will miss all new friends, new culture and I also miss the travel experience all over Europe and especially, Portugal; an amazing country to be and a great culture with historical places. It is better to travel well than to arrive.
Lisbon and ISEC will be my heart forever.
Erasmus played a significant role in my life since the airplane kicked off from Istanbul airport to Lisbon airport and gave a place in an amazing university. I recommend all my friends, classmates, and all the students around the world to try once for Erasmus mobility and I always say "Once Erasmus Always Erasmus."
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
I appreciated the hole academic ambience, everybody was very supportive.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, no doubt!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
The opportunity to travel and make so many new friends.
Óbuda University | Hungria
Fanni Faragó
I am really happy to choose ISEC for my mobility because I got new skills from the courses I picked up. These creative graphic classes helped me to decide that I also want to be a graphic designer and work in a studio. The teachers were kind and they have the knowledge to teach and the classmates were helpful as well.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
At ISEC Lisboa I had the opportunity to take new interesting subjects and even learned a lot about illustration, therefore I gained extra skills.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, for the opportunity of learning new skills, taught in a very practical way.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
This mobility was very important to me because it came to confirm that I should change my career.
Universidad de Cádiz | Espanha
Alexandra Jiménez Garro
This Erasmus has changed my life, being in ISEC Lisboa has taught me more ways to teach and learn, it has given me friendships that I will keep all my life. I have lived wonderful experiences, I have met people who have marked my life and I have been able to know beautiful places with the best company. Now that I have finished my Erasmus, I can say that I have lived the best moment of my life, I would repeat it again and again, simply to spend more time with the people I have met. Therefore, I can say that Erasmus marked a before and after in my life.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
I received a lot of attention from the teachers, they really helped a lot!
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, because I learnt a lot and in a very different way when compared to my classes at my university.
The Erasmus mobility is great to learn about new cultures! Receiving from everybody makes you a new person!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
This mobility was very important to me because it came to confirm that I should change my career.
Óbuda University | Hungria
Eszter Hanko
I spent almost 5 months in Lisbon as a student of the ISEC. I can tell, this was one of the best periods of my life, I met a lot of new friends and I visited a lot of amazing places in Portugal so I’m really grateful for this opportunity. At this school I got totally different education than what I have at home and it brought me out from my comfort zone in art, moreover our teachers were really friendly with us and I met a really helpful girl from my class.
I participated in this exchange with my friend from Hungary and this time with together made our friendship stronger also. We rented a room in Lapa and we had some problems with it, but the society was so wonderful, so I think it was the best decision to live there. First, it was hard to calculate our money, but after a month we learnt how to get organized, so I feel more adult now.
If someone is in doubt to do Erasmus in Lisbon, I say don’t hesitate to go because this country is perfect for it!
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
Everything was great! I enjoyed the new perspectives and the original thinking out of the box. I also loved my new ISEC buddy – Catarina.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, sure! I also recommend that the Erasmus+ mobility is best in the company of a fellow colleague and a strong financial support is also very important.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
It was a big challenge to live by myself without my parents. I had a great time.
Óbuda University |Hungria
Roberta Wende
Erasmus was a life experience, especially in Portugal. This was the one of the best periods of my life, I learned a lot about myself and also about others. I feel very lucky that I choose Portugal for Erasmus because everyone was opened and helpful, the nature was amazing and of course the culture and the food. I think it’s really important to find the destination from the emotions about a place, and then the rest will come by naturally. I made friendships for life long and about this, I feel myself so lucky, I enjoyed every minute of this new adventure and I think it’s an unmissable possibility.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
The freedom given from the teachers to use my imagination!
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes! Sure!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I learnt a lot about myself and about other people!
Gedik University |Turquia
Ismayıl Akhundzada
My name is Akhundzada Ismayil a student from Turkey at Istanbul Gedik University. Last fall semester I studied at ISEC Lisboa (Institute of Education and Sciences) it was exciting to become part of new life and study at ISEC with the Erasmus program.
What did ISEC give me? ISEC gave me a modern and a strong education with good professors in my field. ISEC is a good opportunity to get higher education and meet with new people, for example, I got a Spanish friend also many other students in my university we enjoyed all our Erasmus time together even I celebrated the new year with my Spanish friend's family together in Spain.
Having Erasmus in Lisbon is really interesting and enjoyable. Now I tell the reason :) Lisbon has strong historical monuments and nice nature just come and see also I love Fado that is the national music in Portugal. I think Erasmus is the best opportunity to get new friends from all around the world in Lisbon We have an Erasmus corner in Barrio Alto for Erasmus students if you want to meet with new friends just go there and meet with new people, In the end, Erasmus gave me more things and the best experience about my life in Lisbon I will never forget this memory. I love you Lisbon, I will miss you!
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
I appreciated the high level of studies.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, of course I will!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
This mobility was important to me because I was able to come to Europe, gain experience about the education and culture.
I think it´s very important for my future!
The Main School of Fire Service |Polónia
Mateusz Szymajda
I am Mateusz Szymajda, student from Poland. I studied at ISEC Lisboa during the last winter semester for a few months. It was a fantastic time, which I spent there. Teachers and Erasmus coordinator were very helpful and gave help hand, when I needed it.
Everyone knew, that I am from another country and also, I am speaking in a different language, so they knew, that sometimes I could have problems understanding or doing something. Students at ISEC Lisboa are helpful and communicative too, so it was the biggest advantage. I also have to mention the student’s resident on the campus - RECALL. It was an amazing place, where Spanish, Turkish, Brazilian and Polish students get together daily, in result, we integrated together, improving our cultural knowledge and language skills. After a few months we were like Erasmus family and I hope we will have contact in the future.
In sum Erasmus mobility at ISEC was fantastic and unforgettable time, which change my life, priorities in my life and gave a lot of friends abroad of my country. I recommend everyone to try and experience such an amazing adventure as I do!
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
The teachers were very helpful, gave me a lot of attention and always tried to solve my problems.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, sure, because of the motives of the most I liked about ISEC.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I met people from different countries and I had to speak English all the time, therefore allowing me to improve my English.
Universidad del Pais Vasco | Espanha
Aitor Iriarte Ispizua
Para mí el Erasmus ha sido un avance en mi experiencia y me ha ayudado a desarrollar mis habilidades tanto estudiantiles como personales, al acabar el periodo me siento una persona más autónoma y segura. Durante mi estancia he conocido a mucha gente de todo el mundo y ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora. Muchas gracias a ISEC por ser un instituto tan bueno de destino. Estoy deseando poder repetir una experiencia semejante.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
The teachers are really reachable and I felt that they dedicated themselves to the Erasmus students.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, I have already recommended ISEC to a fellow colleague for the next academic year.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
The independence I gained was the highlight for me! I´m going home much mature!
Universidad de Cádiz | Espanha
Eduardo Ballesteros Jiménez
Erasmus was the best experience of my life. It changed my life and helps me to grow up as a person. Now, I have friends around the world and I feel more prepared to do whatever I want. Erasmus is personal increase. Erasmus is knowledge. Erasmus is happiness. Opportunities. Erasmus is life. I’m so grateful for everything. I’ll do Erasmus 100 times again.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
The teachers are very good, also very helpful, as well as the Portuguese students with all Erasmus students.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, especially because of what I mentioned in the previous question.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
It has been the best experience of my life so far! Meeting new people and making new good friends.
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | Itália
Chiara SAL
My Erasmus experience was my first experience away from home. It was as intense as it was exciting. Both in the culture in which I immersed myself, and for the people I met and the things I studied. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience all this for personal growth at the peak of each goal.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
At my university the teaching is very theoretical and here at ISEC it is much more practical and I loved it!
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, for the sake of practical classes.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I learnt to live by myself, being independent and managing everything alone.
The Main School of Fire Service | Polónia
Jakub Zimnicki
I am Jakub, student from Poland. I was in ISEC Lisboa a few months. I was a little bit scared about my studies there, but the teachers and Erasmus coordinator were really fantastic and helpful, they were always ready to help me with my problems. They introduced me to the students at ISEC Lisboa. When I was in Lisbon I lived in Recall the students Residence there I found my Erasmus family. I spent every day with Spanish, Turkish, and Brazilian people. I felt so much integrated and I discovered things about the different cultures and traditions. I will never forget these people and all my Erasmus story. I recommend everyone just go on Erasmus and discover yourself. One-time an Erasmus always an Erasmus!
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
The teachers and Portuguese students were very helpful and open!
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, sure!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I learnt to live in a very different way without the stress!
Erciyes University | Turquia
Beyzanur ÖZCAN
Erasmus is my best experience in my life. I am very glad to attend that mobility. Thanks to Erasmus, I met people from many different cultures and got to know those cultures. I also had the opportunity to visit many countries. Erasmus will be an unforgettable moment for me. Thank you and everyone at the school for your help.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
Great teachers with understanding on my Erasmus situation.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, for sure!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I made good friends. Learnt a lot about the Portuguese culture and improved my English. It was a great opportunity to travel!
Erciyes University | Turquia
Ibrahim Hakkı SELÇUK
The Erasmus experience was a program with a lot of novelties to me. I had the opportunity to visit different countries and see interactions with different cultures. In addition, in Lisbon-Portugal, where I lived for nearly 5 months. I had the chance to examine daily life, cultures, history and different languages and to see and experience their use in daily life. In addition, since the city I lived and the Student residence -Recall where I stayed, is a very cosmopolitan place. I met people from different countries and acknowledged their life styles and perspectives. With all this, I started to understand the value of this experience, because I was away from my family and my country. I strongly recommend the Erasmus program in Portugal and ISEC Lisboa to all those who have the opportunity and for all these reasons I shall remember my experiences and keep them throughout my life.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
Responsible and kind teachers and the classes had a good level of education.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, absolutely I will recommend ISEC Lisboa.
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I learnt to live alone; improved my language skills; learnt to manage my money and had the opportunity to learn from the Portuguese culture.
Kocaeli University | Turquia
Fatma Duygu BACAKSIZ
Erasmus is one of the right decisions I made in my life. First of all, I would like to talk about people. Everyone was very friendly, respectful, polite and non-racist in Portugal. This was the motivation for developing my language and learning new cultures. I had the opportunity to visit many European countries. I can think of a wider frame now. Apart from all these, I think I have improved myself in education. I have made progress in my English. I recommend everyone who has the opportunity to do Erasmus.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
Good Erasmus support! I really loved the Campus dormitory – RECALL!
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes! Of course!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I made many Turkish new friends, but also from other countries. I also improved my English skills.

Universidade de Cuenca | Espanha
Sara Gómez Medina
El Erasmus para mí ha sido una experiencia inolvidable donde he podido crecer personalmente y conocer gente que estoy segura que siempre la voy a recordar con mucho cariño. Me enamorado de Lisboa y estoy segura que volveré para vivir una temporada más.

Kocaeli University | Turquia
First of all, I want to thank you. You were so nice to us. You are the only person who speeds up the process of getting used to Portugal. I can't put it in sentences that how Lucky I am. I am so happy to choose Portugal for Erasmus because the city, school, teachers were amazing. The teachers were so kind to us and they really tried to help us. Another subject that I was lucky was the dormitory. Because it was enough to wake up just 5 minutes before the lesson. As you know, Erasmus students need sleep during the day, not night. I have so much more to say, but at least thank you all. I am very happy to do my Erasmus with you. You made the Erasmus beautiful.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
I Liked the teachers and the lessons.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, of course!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
I appreciated the culture, made a lot of new friends and noticed that I self-improved.

Universidade de Granada | Espanha
Francisco Manuel Hidalgo García
Erasmus is not more than one door. I decided to open it and all that I found was incredible people, incredible places and all together: amazing experience.
I can’t recommend nothing better if you want to grow as a person.
Thanks to aaaaall people that made it possible. You are one of them Manuela, thank you really.
> What did you like most about ISEC Lisboa?
I liked the teachers at ISEC Lisboa because they were always trying to help and maintained close contact with the students.
> Would you recommend ISEC Lisboa to a fellow colleague?
Yes, sure! I will recommend ISEC to everybody!
> In what way was this mobility important to you?
Very important, because I met lots of new people.

Erzincan Binal Yildirim University |Turquia
Semih Seladdin ARAR
The first semester at ISEC was fine for me. Our Erasmus coordinator at ISEC communicated with us very friendly. The teachers made a friendly welcome. It was not difficult for me to comply with ISEC. Everyone was very helpful.
The second semester was full of fear, as everyone knows. ISEC took early measures regarding Covid-19. We continued classes online. With this early measure of ISEC, I managed to complete the second semester in a healthy way. I will always remember ISEC. Thank you very much to the academic staff for giving me this unforgettable experience.

Erciyes University |Turquia
My name is Mert Can CANBAZ, I was an Erasmus student at ISEC LISBOA between 26/02/2020 – 29/06/2020.
I’ll tell my Erasmus experience at ISEC LISBOA that was struck by the quarantine (due to COVID-19) and therefore classes had to be online.
The first month before the quarantine, I was attending classes freely. Professors helped me a lot, as an Erasmus student, because at ISEC LISBOA the teaching language is not English. It’s completely in Portuguese language. But the professors were teaching me in English and they gave me documents about my department also in the English language. So, I can say to everyone who is thinking of going to ISEC Lisboa as an Erasmus student can relax, because the people in administrative affairs, Erasmus coordinator and dormitory coordinator inside the Campus (Recall) are very helpful and peaceful.
After the quarantine started, all students of ISEC Lisboa started to take the online classes. They were are also prepared for the Erasmus students. Some teachers continued teaching in the English language, even in online classes. Some other teachers gave homework and projects. I mean the organization of online classes was very professional both local students and Erasmus students.
At the same time, most of the homework and presentations were a little bit difficult. But this may vary by department!
Campus facilities were also enough. I stayed at the dormitory that is inside the school´s Campus during the whole Erasmus mobility. The other residents were also peaceful and friendly people. (the dormitory (RECALL) was nearly empty because of the COVID-19), but the cleaning services of dormitory continued daily for all the quarantine period.
The security of campus worked for all quarantine time and they helped me when I needed help for anything.
In short, ı was in Lisbon and studied at ISEC LISBOA even though the quarantine happened everything was nice for me.
Thank you for everything.

Universidade Complutense de Madrid | Espanha
Irene Maria Allegri Olmo
Hola! Soy Irene y he estudiado Óptica y Optometria durante un año en ISEC Lisboa, haciendo el Erasmus.
Durante mi año de permanencia fui la única erasmus de mi curso, lo que me ayudó a conocer mejor el idioma y a integrarme con el resto de estudiantes. En cada clase hay pocos alumnos (una media de 10), lo que permite que haya una relación privilegiada entre alumno-profesor. Una cosa que me gustó mucho es que, siendo pocos, en la clase de los sábados, merendábamos todos juntos pasteles y cositas típicas que llevaba cada uno a clase de las distintas regiones de Portugal. El segundo cuatrimestre ha sido diferente porque a distancia (culpa del Corona virus) pero el comienzo de las clases online no hubo cambios en la manera de enseñar.
Estoy muy agradecida a ISEC por esta gran experiencia y porque en el 'Welcome Day' de los erasmus conocí a la que ahora es mi mejor amiga.
Hay diferencia en la manera de enseñar, en el programa y en los horarios (nocturnos para esta licenciatura) entre ISEC y La Complutense (mi universidad), ¡pero el Erasmus está hecho para aprender a vivir situaciones diferentes a las que estamos acostumbrados!
Muchas gracias a los profesores, compañeros y a Manuela, siempre dispuestos a ayudarme cuando lo he necesitado.
Até já Portugal