Privacy Policy


Universitas/ISEC Lisboa is committed to the rules of privacy and protection of personal data of all people who contact and/or interact with our websites.

Browsing this site does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data, except when filling in an event registration form. Filling in the form implies the provision of personal data, which will be used under the terms and for the purposes of the event, always ensuring that the personal data provided is the minimum and strictly necessary for participation in the event.

Data Controller

UNIVERSITAS - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior e Investigação Científica, CRL, legal person No. 503383082, headquartered at Alameda das Linhas de Torres, No. 179, 1750-142 Lisboa, is responsible for the processing of personal data, without detriment to the fact that, in international events, there is more than one person responsible for the processing of data, information that will be due and detailed in the event participation procedure.

Obtaining personal information

Non-registered users can browse the site, consult the program and events from previous years. For these, please consult the cookie policy, which is published at HERE.

Users who have registered for the event will also have full access to the site, and the data already mentioned in the previous paragraph will be collected, plus:

  • Personal information in the form of data entered manually by the user in the registration form, such as name, email address and tax information for issuing invoices, among others, which may be necessary for the implementation of a project, seminar, congress, event or other.

Use of personal data

Users' personal information is used for registration for an event/seminar/congress or other events.

Sending information about future events, within the same academic area, requires consent when filling in the participation form, namely the maintenance of the e-mail address.

Proof of transfer serves as confirmation of registration for the purposes of invoicing and issuing the respective receipt.

Legal Basis and Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The grounds on which we process your personal data are as follows:

  • Consent: Your personal data may be processed by means of a free, specific, informed and explicit expression of will, under the terms of which you accept, by means of a declaration, or an unequivocal voluntary act, namely by registering and completing the participation form or within the scope of the protocol/project under which you are covered, that your personal data will be processed by the Data Controller identified above.
  • Events: we process your personal data to the extent that it is strictly necessary for events in which you wanted to participate and signed up for of your own free will.

Storage Period for your Personal Data

Universitas/ISEC Lisboa only keeps your personal data for the period strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

Once the maximum storage period has been reached, the personal data will either be anonymized and retained, or destroyed in a secure manner.

Data transmission

Universitas/ISEC Lisboa undertakes to only transmit your personal data when necessary for the purposes of carrying out events, conferences, protocols, seminars, among others, namely for sending the newsletter or other communications authorized by you.

Rights of Data Subjects

The holders of personal data are informed that they have the right to request from Universitas/ISEC Lisboa, access to personal data concerning them, as well as its correction, erasure, limitation of processing with regard to the data subject, or the right to oppose processing, as well as the right to data transferability, and also the right to withdraw consent at any time, without compromising the legitimacy of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given. They also hold the right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority (CNPD).

Intellectual property

The content of this site, including brands, designs, logos, text, images, audio and video materials, is the property of Universitas/ISEC Lisboa, unless another source and authorship is mentioned, and is protected under the general terms of the law and by national and international legislation on the protection of intellectual property. You may not display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or use the content of this site in any way, for any public or commercial purpose, without the prior express written consent of Universitas/ISEC Lisboa.