Approved by Despacho n.º 15518/2011, de 15 de Novembro


Coordenador do Mestrado em Riscos e Proteção Civil


Ana Oliveira
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Online Application    Request for Information

This master's degree aims to qualify and specialize current and/or future technical staff for services and agencies of the central, regional and municipal Government levels, as well as companies and institutions with roles and responsibilities in the areas of emergency planning, disaster relief operations in general and of forest fires in particular, prevention strategies, planning and security of persons, goods and the environment.



Management and Forest Protection / Gestão e Defesa da Floresta 1st Semester 6
Catastrophe Psycology / Psicologia de Catástrofe 1st Semester 6
Extreme Events in Watersheds / Eventos Extremos em Bacias Hidrográficas 1st Semester 6
Prevention Policies and Territory Planning / Políticas de Prevenção e Ordenamento do Território 1st Semester 6
Prevention of Serious Accidents / Prevenção de Acidentes Graves 1st Semester 6
Emergency Management / Gestão de Emergência 1st Semester 6

Physical Security in Built Up Areas / Segurança Física em Espaços Edificados

2nd Semester 6

Geomorphical Risks / Riscos Geomorfológicos

2nd Semester 6

Geodiversity Coast and Coastal Security / Geodiversidade Litoral e Segurança Costeira

2nd Semester 6

Risk Mapping Analysis / Análise de Cartografia de Risco

2nd Semester 6
Research Methods / Metodologias de Investigação 1st Semester 6
Dissertation or Project Work / Dissertação ou Trabalho de Projeto Annual 54